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Customer Case - Application Sharing in the Home Appliance Labeling Industry


China is a major producer and consumer of household appliances. As people's living standards continue to improve, consumers' performance requirements for household appliances are also increasing. High-quality, aesthetically pleasing, energy-efficient, smart, and systematized appliances are experiencing rapid growth.

It is important for the information printed on the label throughout the entire lifecycle of electrical products—from manufacturing, usage, maintenance to recycling—to be clear and readable.

· Appliance barcode - the 'identity card' of household appliances that provides traceability of appliance information.

· Traceability - ensures the quality of household appliance products and provides consumers with a worry-free usage experience.

However, the environment faced by electrical products during use is complex, such as: long-term exposure of air conditioner outdoor units to UV rays and rain; high temperatures generated by refrigerator motors; and chemical detergents that washing machines may come into contact with, all of which can damage the clarity of information, leading to misidentification and improper use.

Thermal transfer technology.

Reliable traceability information support.

Zhuoli Company can provide you with printing solutions for appliance labels. Based on the application environment of different electrical products, we offer ribbon products suitable for various printing media; moreover, the printing method is flexible, allowing for easy personalized printing, especially suitable for barcodes, serial numbers, production dates, and other identification information. Additionally, the printing effect is durable and clear, providing important support for reliable traceability information at all stages of appliance manufacturing, maintenance, and recycling.

Zhuoli resin-based series ribbon products.

Suitable for printing appliance label information.

Special requirements.

1. Highly compatible with the composite materials of the label.

Exhibits high adhesion on the label, effectively reducing the erosive damage to the identification information.

2. Its durability meets UL standards.

3. Complies with EU Directive 2011/65/EC (RoHS).

Meets the restrictions on halogen content.

4. Color ribbons can be provided to meet different printing needs.